Work on the new harbour is well advanced and things look set for completion long before next year's tourist season.
It would seem that the facility itself is to be no more than 2 L shaped floating pontoon type deckings, one protruding out into the Ria Formosa from the existing fisherman's pier and the other from the existing boat landing at the eastern end of the village. Huge steel posts have been driven into the bed of the Ria Formosa and the floating decks will be secured to these so they can rise and fall with the tides.
Opinions on other work still vary greatly but it certainly looks to me like the fish market will remain where it is which will mean there is little chance of widening the promenade in front of it.
I have also been informed by one local businessman that the Camara are considering importing thousands of tons of sand and constructing a small artificial beach in front of the new moorings but only time will tell the veracity or otherwise of that.
The pictures below will hopefully give some idea of events unfolding here.
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