Well i have been back in the UK now for just over a fortnight and have just been too busy with the pub and the vending machine business to post anything.
During the time we were in the village we managed to do a number of things we have been promising ourselves for some time now. The first and most unpleasant of those ws to visit the local town hall and pay our 'Council tax' (don't know what it is actually called in Portugal).
We caused a little confusion in the place by trying with our not too good Portuguse to organise a direct debit arrangement for what we thought must be the monthly payment of 139 Euros. That was ultimately resolved when the clerk managed with her not too good english to communicate that 139 euros was in fact the full years dues. Now that's the kind of tax I do not mind paying!!!
Managed a trip across the Rio Formosa on the water taxi to Terra Estrata and walked the kilometer or so down the fabulous beach to the Isle De Tavira, more about that another time.
During the second week we managed to visit Pego do Inferno, an inland attraction a twenty minute drive from Tavira. Though it was busy with bathers and swimmers the stunning natural beauty still left a lasting impression and I will surley attempt an out of season visit to see it in a more natural state.
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