Feliz Natal (Happy Christmas) to one and all.
Haven't managed a pre christmas visit although Joan was meant to fly out on Monday the 17th December. I missed a turn on the motorway and finished up closer to Humberside airport than Robin Hood where I should have been. Any way she missed the flight !
Fortunatly it only cost 25 quid. If you are considering a visit to portugal check out Thomsonfly from Doncaster/Sheffield robin hood airport. They have some fabulous prices at the moment.
I have been taken to task over my constant referal to Santa Luzia as a village, there are apprantly now 1700 inhabitants in S L , quite a lot by portuguese standards, and in the 1980s it was granted town status. Further more in the 90s it was upgraded to "small city".
We are hoping to get to the small city early in the new year to distribute belated christmas presents.
Meanwhile Paulo, former waiter at Mouraou restaurant, is looking forward to his first christmas here in the UK.
He is gradually learning to take with him hat gloves and scarf when he ventures out because in his own words "Esta muito, muito frio la fora" (It is very,very cold outside)
Muito Frio Paulo enjoys a warm atmosphere in The cross Green pub with John my No 1 roofer's labourer.
Friday, 21 December 2007
Feliz Natal
Monday, 26 November 2007
Hard Slog
Arrived back in UK last Thursday after 10 days of hard slog on the house roof.
Grossly underestimated the amount of sheer hard graft involved in removing the old roof and replacing with new.
The first two days removing the old roof and hand carting it down the steps was backbreaking, thighbusting, hipjolting, kneckwrenching, ribcracking (getting the idea?)bodybruising toil.
We found a number of rotten timbers which had to be replaced and Don's skills as a joiner were well utilised both on this and the sheeting of the none too level structure in preparation for the laying of the new tiles. Throughout all stages of the job John, as general labourer, worked like a horse.
Despite his sixty years and slight build I would not have swapped him for a dozen of today's youth.
New timbers inserted to replace rotten woodwork in readiness for the sheeting.
Once the new timbers were in place corrugated sheeting was applied upon which the tiles were to rest.
The tiles themselves are laid on the corrugated sheet and held in place with sand and cement which means you have to lay a few rows and then wait until the mortar sets before you can work further up the roof without disturbing those already laid.
Tedious, arduous and time consuming work.
The weather was very kind to us for the first week but on the monday of the second week the heavens opened and with the roof only about 90% complete and with no ridge tiles in place we hastily paid our bill in the restaurant we had just eaten dinner in and dashed back through lashing rain, crashing thunder and blinding lightning. Our worst fears were thankfully totally unfounded and the yet incomplete roof held out against the worst the Portuguese skies could throw at it.
A couple more days during which we were frequently rained off saw the completion of the tile laying and the addittion of the ridge tiles. The verdict...... well it holds water and though we may not be the fastest roofers on the algarve we can probably claim to be among the roughest!!!
Pictures of the complete job will be available following a return visit to tidy up our fairly amateurish mortar daubings.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
When you are looking for a property in Portugal agents are often keen to show you ruins and derelict houses with tales of how cheap it is to hire builders and tradesmen to turn the pile into a palace. Beware........we have a problem with a leaky roof and our experience of builders in the Algarve is that the first assumption they make is that as a foreign property owner you are rolling in money, the second assumption is that you are dumb enough to part with considerably more of it than is necessary to get a job done.
Now anyone who knows a Yorkshireman will know we are reknowned for two things, we tend to be a little blunt and we will not spend a penny if a ha'penny will do!!
You can I am sure imagine the fits of apoplexy caused by quotes for a simple roof re tiling job which varied between 8 and 27 thousand pounds. (no typos, that is 8 and 27 thousand pounds)
So having scoured the web for suppliers and instructions on how to make a watertight roof I am returning to Portugal in the next week or so along with a couple of dour Yorkshire tradesmen and doing the job myself. Will keep posting on progress.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007

This is the flag which is flown on buildings. As Santa Luzia is essentialy a fishing village the flag depicts a fishing boat with a fishtrap which is self explanatory and an alcatruz. An alcatruz was origionaly a pot for holding wine or water usally made from terracotta. They are used to capture octopus now and tend to be generally made from black plastic. Interestingly the Alcatruz points back to the Moorish influence as they were first used as the pots on the irrigation water wheels the arabs famously introduced to Portugal (a spledid example of which can be seen in Tomar in central Portugal) and their very name is a derivative of the arabic 'Al-Kadush' meaning 'of irrigation'.

This is the standard which is carried on ceremonial occasions.
I have never seen either the flag or standard in use but you can be sure on future visits I will be keeping an eye open for them. I feel sure the standard will have been somwhere in the procession at the festival but if it was I am afraid it completely passed over me!!
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Saturday, 8 September 2007
The Highlights of our visit
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Enjoying the Festival
Arrived last tuesday to find the village a little quieter than last year but by weekend all that had changed, the place was packed.
A coulpe of new places have opened. The new restaurant on the promenade has opened and is a little upmarket, aiming for the tourist trade. It is called O Marinheiro and I have not eaten there yet but hope to give it a try before I return to England.
Just round the corner from Lorgo De Igreija (The church square) a little cafe bar called Arco Iris (Rainbow) has opened. Joan and I were among it,s very first customers and we had the honour of christening the ice creams.
The festival was free this year so I watched the Fado evening and very much enjoyed it. It was not quite what I expected as I thought Fado was slow and mournful but it was quite catchy really.
On Sunday an artist called Andre Sardet performed, it was very well attended as he is quite popular here in Portugal, he was very good ( A bit of a Portuguese Robbie Williams).
The festival ended with a spectacular and noisy firework display. I have to wonder what the reaction to a firework display at 2 in the morning would be in the UK.
As part of the festival on saturday afternoon there was supposed to be mud football on the river but it was delayed as the tide was still in. You would think in a village of fishermen someone would have checked the tide tables before printing the programme!! Still this is Portugal.
No one has setttled the dispute over the ferries yet so they are not running but the water taxis have stepped in to fill the gap in the market. It costs the same as the ferry did but runs far more frequently and is faster. Hope to go over to the Isle De Tavira later in the week as I have never been in all the years I have been visiting.
Monday, 6 August 2007
Preparing for our visit
Sunday, 5 August 2007

Santa Luzia
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Longing to visit
The beautiful village of Santa Luzia is situated a mile or two outside the city of Tavira on the Portuguese algarve. I first visited Sta. Luzia about five years ago and have returned many times since, ultimatly buying a small house there in August of 2006.
I have been back to the house about 5 times since August last year the last visit being in early June. I am currently longing to return and feel the hot August sun but running a pub makes it a little difficult. So that's what this blog is to be about ...........Santa Luzia by proxy!!
I will be posting pictures etc. but not necessarily on a regular basis and if i ever get to go anytime soon i wll keep a diary and post that too.