At last a sign (literally) of progress on the new harbour.
Back in April I reported that the Camara (council) had issued a decree that all moored vessels should be removed from the affected area by the 10th of the month on pain of impoundment for non compliance. The majority of the boats were removed and a number of steel portakabins were erected as a site office, since then nothing and slowly but inexorably the boats have crept back to their old moorings.
Everyone in the village seems to have their own inside knowledge into what is impeding progress. Hence 'Joao' will tell you "They wait for the digging machines from Cabanas", where real building work is actually occurring on a small harbour, whereas 'Luis' will knowingly declare "They wait for the dredger from Lisboa".
The real truth seems to be that "They wait" which seems to be the one thing Portuguese and English builders have in common as those of you who have had occasion to hire a builder in either country will well know.
There is also much disagreement over what will actually be done with one party declaring that the fish market is to be demolished and relocated while another declares this to be rubbish and the fish market is staying where it is with perhaps a lick of paint. Time will tell.
The one thing they all noddingly accept and agree upon is when someone sagely declares "Noa Faz mal".
I suppose it could just be possible that someone, somewhere has had a sudden fit of common sense and decided that the work would be less disruptive if carried out during the closed season.
Talking about closed season, there have been some rumblings this year from business owners and water taxi operators.
They are unhappy that the powers that be insist the season opens on the 15th of June and closes on the 15th September. They argue, quite rightly in my opinion, that given the Algarve's climate and the huge increase in visitors the season could commence a month earlier and terminate a month later.
All the indications are that tourists from the colder climes of Europe will still be arriving in droves throughout the cooler months of October and November.
I for one certainly intend to be among them!